IMSA Beretta

   BerettaFest 2021 is over - can't wait until next year! 

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October 22, 2024 
News Archive


Happy Holidays From

Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays from everyone here at I will be with limited computer access the next few days and won't be able to make any updates to the site until I get back.

I have a few members to add that I've been meaning to take care of for awhile - that means if you've submitted within the last few weeks, I'll be getting around to it very shortly. I invite you to submit your car if you haven't already, and be sure to join our forum if you haven't done that yet either.

December Feature Car

I managed to get the new Feature car for December up last night. Congratulations to Jon Chmura and his 95 Base. Check out Jon's nitrous-injected monster here - December Feature Car.

Site Outage Earlier This Morning

Just wanted to fill everyone in on the situation earlier this morning in case you tried to check out the site. Our hosting was temporarily suspended because I forgot to pay the bill this month - ooops! Lesson learned and the site is back online. Sorry for the inconvenience.

November Feature Car

Congratulations to the anonymous owner of this 95 Z26 - November's Feature Car. You can check out this owner's car here.

New Design Online

It's almost been a year since I started working on the new design, but it's finally completed and online! It all began as a way to revamp the site since it hadn't been updated in awhile and there were still a few things I needed to finish - a couple good ideas here and there and a new design was born. More content has been added since the last update, including a few more members, links, articles, and downloads - with plenty more on the way! I'd also like to encourage everyone to submit content to the site - we'll host it and even give you credit for putting it on the site. So feel free to submit anything you might feel useful (including videos, links, articles, etc...). I intend for this site to have lots of usable and up-to-date information all easily accessible.

Anyways, I'll leave it at that and let you have a look around. I should also mention we've opened a new message board where you can read through and post your own topics for discussion. If you have any comments or suggestions on the site, feel free to e-mail me.

BerettaFest 2006 Location Determined

Due to the lack of proposals this year (there was only one received before the even extended deadline), it looks like Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will be the location of next year's BerettaFest. In what will be the 9th year of its existence, Pittsburgh will hold the record for being the furthest easterly location.

Changes on the way

Well, it's been a really long time since I've updated the site...but I've been working behind the scenes on an all new design for the site as well as some new features. I'd say 95% of it is complete with an expected launch date to be within the next week or so. Keep your eyes peeled!